The Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan: A Win-Win for Employers and Employees in New Zealand

The plan aims to transform New Zealand's advanced manufacturing industry to improve productivity, create more jobs, and increase exports.
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Last Updated On June 4, 2023
Contributors: Denise Renshaw. Edited By Simar Singh & Reviewed by Yongtian Liu.

As a New Zealand-based employer, you play a crucial role in driving the growth and development of the country's economy. With the recent launch of the Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan (ITP) by the New Zealand government, there has never been a better time to invest in your workforce and stay ahead of the competition.

This plan aims to transform the advanced manufacturing sector through increased productivity and higher-skilled, higher-wage jobs, making it a globally-competitive low-emissions sector. In this blog post, we'll explore how you can leverage the Advanced Manufacturing ITP to grow your business and support the development of a sustainable and prosperous future for all New Zealanders.

Benefits of the Advanced Manufacturing ITP for Employers

  1. Increased Productivity: The Advanced Manufacturing ITP aims to increase productivity in the sector through innovation and advanced technologies. As an employer, this means that my business can become more efficient, reduce waste, and ultimately, increase profits.
  2. Skilled Workforce: The ITP includes a $4 million commitment to upskilling manufacturing workers in digital skills. This is a great opportunity for your business to invest in your employees' development, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and loyalty, ultimately reducing staff turnover costs.
  3. Access to Funding: The government has committed $30 million to implement a number of immediate actions identified in the plan, including company-specific advice on adopting advanced technologies and processes and company-specific support to achieve circular low-emissions manufacturing. As an employer, this means that you can access funding to invest in your business and achieve sustainable manufacturing practices.

Benefits of the Advanced Manufacturing ITP for Employees

  1. Higher-Wage Jobs: The Advanced Manufacturing ITP aims to create higher-skilled, higher-wage jobs in the sector. As an employee, this means that you can potentially earn more and improve your standard of living.
  2. Access to Training and Development: The ITP includes a commitment to upskilling manufacturing workers in digital skills. This means that employees can access training and development opportunities to improve their skills and future career prospects.
  3. Sustainable Employment: The ITP aims to transform the industry into a sustainable, low-emissions sector. As an employee, this means that you can work in a sector that is environmentally responsible and has a future for generations to come.


In conclusion, the Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan is a win-win for both employers and employees in New Zealand. Employers can benefit from increased productivity, access to funding, and a skilled workforce, while employees can benefit from higher-wage jobs, access to training and development, and sustainable employment.