How to Attract and Retain Overseas Talent as an Accredited Employer in New Zealand

Learn how to attract and retain overseas talent as an accredited employer in New Zealand with these tips.
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Last Updated On April 27, 2023
Contributors: Denise Renshaw. Edited By Simar Singh & Reviewed by Inder Singh.

As an accredited employer in New Zealand, you have access to a wider pool of skilled migrant workers. However, attracting and retaining overseas talent can be a challenge, especially in a competitive job market. In this blog post, we'll provide some tips on how to attract and retain overseas talent as an accredited employer in New Zealand.

Offer Support with Relocation

Relocating to a new country can be stressful, especially for those who are moving with their families. As an accredited employer, you can offer support with relocation to help ease the transition. This could include assistance with finding accommodation, navigating the local area, and connecting with other ex-pats. You could also offer financial assistance with relocation expenses or provide a relocation package that covers some of the costs associated with moving to New Zealand.

Offer Competitive Salary Packages

Competitive salary packages are a key factor in attracting and retaining talent, both local and international. As an accredited employer, you have the flexibility to offer competitive salaries that are not subject to the same market rate requirements as non-accredited employers. When designing salary packages, consider the cost of living in New Zealand, the skills and experience of the candidate, and the value that they will bring to your organization.

Create a Welcoming and Inclusive Workplace Culture

Creating a welcoming and inclusive workplace culture is essential for retaining talent, especially those from different cultural backgrounds. Make sure that your workplace policies and practices are inclusive and promote diversity. Provide opportunities for employees to share their cultural backgrounds and celebrate cultural events. Offering language and cultural training can also help employees feel more comfortable and included in the workplace.

Provide Opportunities for Professional Development

Talent retention is not just about offering competitive salaries, but also about providing opportunities for professional development. As an accredited employer, you can offer training and development opportunities that help employees build their skills and progress in their careers. This could include in-house training, external courses, and mentoring programs.

Offer a Good Work-Life Balance

A good work-life balance is important for employee well-being and job satisfaction. As an accredited employer, you could offer flexible working arrangements, such as working from home or working part-time. You could also provide generous leave policies, such as annual leave, sick leave, and parental leave.

Provide Opportunities for Socializing and Networking

Providing opportunities for employees to socialize and network outside of work can help build a sense of community and support among your team. As an accredited employer, you could organize social events, such as team-building activities, after-work drinks, or cultural events. You could also encourage employees to attend networking events and conferences that are relevant to their roles.

In conclusion, attracting and retaining overseas talent as an accredited employer in New Zealand requires a holistic approach that takes into account factors such as relocation support, competitive salary packages, workplace culture, professional development, work-life balance, and socializing opportunities. By implementing these strategies, you can create a workplace that attracts and retains top talent from around the world.

If you need any assistance with employer accreditation, then feel free to book a consultation with us. We will help you out!