Maximizing Local Employment Opportunities: The Importance of Employer Accreditation and Job Check

Accreditation ensures fair employment practices. Job checks prioritize locals and attract higher-skilled migrants.
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Last Updated On March 10, 2023
Contributors: Inder Singh. Edited By Denise Renshaw & Reviewed by Yongtian Liu.

As a consultant with expertise in employer accreditation, We know firsthand the importance of ensuring that businesses hire New Zealanders first before considering visa holders. Accreditation and job checks are vital tools to ensure that employers meet immigration and employment standards and don't exploit migrants. In this blog post, I will discuss the importance of employer accreditation and job checks in maximizing local employment opportunities.

What is employer accreditation?

Employer accreditation is a process where an employer is assessed against specific criteria to ensure that they are a viable business with good practices. Accreditation ensures that a business meets immigration and employment standards, and will not exploit the migrants they may hire. By getting accredited, employers are demonstrating that they have a commitment to fair and ethical employment practices.

Why is employer accreditation important?

Employer accreditation is important for several reasons, including:

Encouraging the hiring of New Zealanders first

Employers are encouraged to train, upskill, and hire New Zealand workers before they hire migrants. By getting accredited, employers are demonstrating that they have made an effort to hire local workers before seeking overseas workers.

Ensuring that employers meet immigration and employment standards

Accreditation ensures that employers meet immigration and employment standards and do not exploit migrant workers.

Attracting higher-skilled migrants

Accreditation can help attract higher-skilled migrants, as it demonstrates that the employer is a reputable business with good employment practices.

What is a job check?

Once an employer is accredited, they must advertise and get a job check to ensure that there are no suitable New Zealanders for the role before offering the position to someone from overseas. The job check is a process that ensures that employers are offering attractive wages to New Zealanders and supporting local employment opportunities. The job check also ensures that migrants recruited into New Zealand on an Accredited Employer Work Visa are mostly filling higher-skilled roles.

Why is a job check important?

A job check is important for several reasons, including:

Supporting local employment opportunities

The job check ensures that employers have made an effort to hire local workers before seeking overseas workers. This supports local employment opportunities and helps ensure that New Zealanders are given priority when it comes to job opportunities.

Ensuring that employers offer attractive wages to New Zealanders

The job check ensures that employers are offering attractive wages to New Zealanders and are not undercutting local wages.

Ensuring that migrants fill higher-skilled roles

The job check helps ensure that migrants recruited into New Zealand on an Accredited Employer Work Visa are mostly filling higher-skilled roles, which helps to boost the skill level of the New Zealand workforce.


Employer accreditation and job checks are essential tools to ensure that businesses hire New Zealanders first before considering visa holders.

Accreditation demonstrates that a business meets immigration and employment standards and is committed to fair and ethical employment practices. Job checks ensure that employers are offering attractive wages to New Zealanders and supporting local employment opportunities. By maximizing local employment opportunities, we can ensure that New Zealanders have access to job opportunities and can contribute to the growth and development of the New Zealand economy.