Housing Options for Migrant Employees: From City Apartments to Rural Retreats

Discover diverse housing options to support your migrant employees' relocation to New Zealand, ensuring comfort and satisfaction.
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Last Updated On June 3, 2023
Contributors: Simar Singh. Edited By Yongtian Liu & Reviewed by Denise Renshaw.

As an employer in New Zealand, providing adequate housing options for your migrant employees is essential to their overall well-being and job satisfaction. With the diverse range of living spaces available in the country, it's important to help your new hires find a comfortable and suitable place to call home. In this guide, we'll explore various housing options for migrant employees, from city apartments to rural retreats, to help you provide the best support possible.

1. Understanding Your Migrant Employees' Needs

Before diving into specific housing options, it's crucial to understand your migrant employees' individual preferences and requirements. Some factors to consider include:

  • Proximity to the workplace
  • Family situation (single, married, with children)
  • Lifestyle preferences (urban, suburban, rural)
  • Budget constraints

Take the time to discuss these factors with your employees to ensure you're assisting them in finding the right home.

2. City Apartments: Convenience and Connectivity

City apartments are a popular choice for many migrant employees, offering easy access to work, public transportation, and various amenities. Consider the following benefits:

  • Proximity to the workplace: City apartments typically have shorter commutes, which can be highly desirable for employees.
  • Vibrant lifestyle: Urban living offers numerous entertainment options, such as cafes, restaurants, shopping centers, and cultural events.
  • Networking opportunities: Living in a city allows migrant employees to expand their social and professional circles more easily.
  • Suburban Townhouses: Family-Friendly and Spacious

For migrant employees with families, suburban townhouses can provide a balance between city living and the tranquility of rural life. Advantages include:

  • Family-friendly neighborhoods: Suburban areas often have more parks, schools, and family-oriented amenities.
  • Spacious living: Townhouses usually have larger floor plans and outdoor spaces, which can be ideal for families.
  • Quieter environment: Suburban living provides a more peaceful atmosphere compared to the hustle and bustle of the city.

4. Rural Retreats: Serenity and Nature

For those who crave a peaceful setting and a connection to nature, rural retreats might be the perfect fit. Rural living offers:

  • Scenic surroundings: Living in a rural area means being surrounded by stunning landscapes, perfect for employees who enjoy outdoor activities.
  • Peace and quiet: The serenity of rural life can be a welcome respite for employees looking to escape the noise and stress of urban living.
  • Affordability: Rural properties often have lower rental or purchase prices compared to city apartments and suburban townhouses.

5. Short-Term Accommodation Options

While your migrant employees search for their ideal long-term housing, consider providing short-term accommodation options, such as:

  • Hotel stays: Arrange for employees to stay in a hotel near the workplace until they secure permanent housing.
  • Corporate housing: Fully furnished and serviced apartments specifically designed for temporary stays are an excellent option.
  • Airbnb or similar platforms: Renting a private home through Airbnb can provide a more comfortable and personalized experience for your employees.
  • Assisting with the Housing Search

As an employer, you can help your migrant employees navigate the housing market by offering the following support:

  • Provide a list of reliable real estate agents or property management companies specializing in the areas your employees are considering.
  • Offer guidance on local rental laws, lease agreements, and tenant rights.
  • Assist with language barriers if necessary, by providing translation services or accompanying them on property viewings.


By understanding your migrant employees' needs and offering tailored support in their housing search, you'll contribute to their overall success and happiness in New Zealand. Whether they opt for a city apartment, suburban townhouse, or rural retreat, your guide will make the transition smoother and help them feel more at home in their new surroundings.