A Comprehensive Guide to Job Checks for New Zealand Employers

A comprehensive guide to the Job Checks process for employers in New Zealand. Includes steps, fees, and key considerations.
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Last Updated On March 14, 2023
Contributors: Denise Renshaw. Edited By Yongtian Liu & Reviewed by Inder Singh.

New Zealand is one of the top destinations for skilled migrant workers, and the country has a robust system in place to ensure that employers are hiring workers through a fair and transparent process. 

As part of this system, the government has introduced Job Checks, which are a critical component of the Accredited Employer Work Visa process.

In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide to Job Checks in New Zealand, including the key components, process, and fees associated with the process.

What are Job Checks?

Job Checks are a new Labour Market Test (advertising test) introduced by Immigration New Zealand to ensure that employers are hiring workers through a fair and transparent process. The purpose of the Job Check is to check whether there are any New Zealand citizens or resident visa holders available to carry out or be easily trained to carry out the role(s) that an employer is trying to fill.

The Job Check process involves three key steps: Employer Accreditation, Job Check, and Migrant Worker Check.

Step 1 – Employer Accreditation

The first step in the Job Check process is to gain Employer Accreditation. Immigration New Zealand will check for employer regulatory compliance, confirm a sound financial position, and confirm that the employer has carried out migrant worker settlement support activities. The processing time for Standard Accreditation and High-Volume Accreditation is estimated to be 10 working days.

Step 2 – Job Check

The second step in the Job Check process is the new Labour Market Test (advertising test). Immigration New Zealand will check to see if the role(s) is/are genuine and where employers will need to prove to Immigration New Zealand that there are no New Zealand citizens or resident visa holders to carry out or be easily trained to carry out the role(s). Job Check Labour Market Test evidence is not required for roles paid twice the median wage or for roles on the Green List. The processing time for Job Check is estimated to be 10 working days.

Step 3 – Accredited Employer Work Visa Application (Migrant Worker Check)

The final step in the Job Check process is the Migrant Worker Check. Immigration New Zealand checks the migrant worker to confirm that they are of good health, good character, and if they are suitably qualified through qualifications and/or relevant experience. The processing time for the Migrant Worker Check is estimated to be 20 working days.

Fees Associated with Job Checks

Employers will need to pay a fee for both the Employer Accreditation and Job Check steps. The fees associated with each step are as follows:

Employer Accreditation (Paid By Employer):

Standard: $740

High-Volume: $1,220

Upgrade (Standard To High Volume): $480

Employers Placing Migrant Workers With Controlling Third Parties (‘Triangular Employment Arrangements’): $3,870

Franchisees: $1,980

Job Check (Paid By Employer): $610

Migrant Check (Paid By Migrant): $540 (Plus $55 Levy)

Key Considerations for Employers

Employers must provide evidence of the following when applying for a Job Check:

  • An acceptable job offer, employment agreement, and a detailed job description.
  • Labour Market Test evidence for the role. This is only required if the role is paid less than twice the median wage or is not on the Green List. If a role is paid at or above twice the median wage or is on the Green List, the Labour Market Test is deemed to be satisfied.
  • The Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) code that best matches the role.

Employers can include multiples of the same role in a single Job Check application. They must be covered by the same set of advertising evidence (if a Labour Market Test is required) and they must have the same ANZSCO code.

Employers must also ensure that they meet the following requirements

  • The role(s) must meet the minimum wage requirements.
  • The role(s) must be for a minimum of 30 hours per week.
  • The role(s) must be for a minimum duration of 12 months.
  • The role(s) must not be in a prohibited industry, such as the sex industry or the military.

Employers must also be aware that failure to comply with the Job Check process can result in consequences such as being stripped of Accredited Employer status or being banned from hiring migrant workers.


In summary, Job Checks are a critical component of the Accredited Employer Work Visa process in New Zealand. They are designed to ensure that employers are hiring workers through a fair and transparent process and that New Zealand citizens and resident visa holders have the opportunity to apply for job vacancies before they are offered to migrant workers.

Employers who are considering hiring migrant workers in New Zealand should ensure that they understand the Job Check process and comply with all requirements to avoid any potential consequences. 

By doing so, they can demonstrate their commitment to hiring workers through a fair and transparent process and contribute to the growth of New Zealand's economy.