Why New Zealand Based Businesses Have to Look for Migrant Skilled Talent

Find out why New Zealand businesses must expand their search for talent beyond their borders to stay ahead of the game.
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Last Updated On March 10, 2023
Contributors: Denise Renshaw. Edited By Inder Singh & Reviewed by Simar Singh.

New Zealand based businesses have had to look far and wide for skilled talent, especially in recent years when it has become increasingly difficult to find workers with the right skills and experience. With the global population growing larger every day, competition for talented professionals is fierce across industries. 

Companies are constantly looking for innovative ways of sourcing new candidates for their teams, looking beyond traditional methods such as job boards or local recruitment firms. Fortunately, there are some comprehensive solutions available that make it easier than ever for employers to access a global talent pool; one key option being migrant skilled talent. 

In this blog post we discuss how an organisation in New Zealand can take advantage of these potential recruits from overseas and explore all the benefits they bring to your team's success.

Demographic Overview – Why New Zealand needs skilled migrants

New Zealand is a rapidly changing nation, and one of the most important contributing factors to that change is an influx of skilled migrants. The ever-increasing shift in demographics involves more than just population numbers; it also brings with it diverse cultures, ideas, values, and language. 

This diversity in knowledge and experience can lead to innovative technologies, scientific research advancements, and improved social services. Skilled migrants are highly desirable within New Zealand's workforce due to their qualifications and ability to hit the ground running. 

Many talented immigrants have helped fill the labour gaps created by skills shortages in certain industries - including technology, engineering, healthcare, finance and education - while bringing unique perspectives on how best to serve their communities. 

By welcoming newcomers and offering them pathways of successful integration into society through effortless communication and customised training groups as well as recognition for foreign qualifications or experience can lead us far closer towards a better future.

The Economic Impact of Skilled Migration – How skilled migration helps to drive the economy

Skilled migration is one of the most important tools New Zealand uses to drive its economy. New migrants bring a range of skills and experiences that the local workforce often lacks, allowing them to contribute to New Zealand in countless ways. 

New migrants can fill jobs that do not have a sufficient number of local applicants, helping increase economic growth and lifting up businesses. Studies have shown that New Zealand organisations with more diverse workforces are more creative and successful, enabling significant improvements in productivity as well as an increase in job satisfaction - both of which positively impact New Zealand's economy.

 Ultimately, talented new migrants can help New Zealand achieve its goals of expanding business opportunities and sustaining strong economic growth.

Innovative Solutions for Migrant Recruitment – Tools and resources available to find the best migrant talent

New Zealand is one of the most attractive destinations for migrants in search of a better future, and many organisations are striving to employ migrant talent more effectively. Innovative solutions have been developed to ensure New Zealand businesses have access to the best migrant talent available. 

New tools and resources are being implemented that focus on reducing bias, connecting employers with skilled foreign workers, and providing a comprehensive recruitment process. For example, some recruitment firms now use sophisticated data-matching algorithms to identify potential candidates which opens the market to a wider selection of professionals who may not have invested their time in job searching otherwise. 

In addition, companies may now turn to job boards tailored specifically for foreign nationals or take advantage of training and specialist support provided by New Zealand agencies specifically designed to help employers navigate New Zealand’s migration policies. Employing the best migrant talent can lead to increased economic growth and ultimately give New Zealand businesses the opportunity for increased success.

Cost Considerations and Budgeting – What employers need to know about visa costs and expenses

New Zealand employers need to be aware of the cost considerations and budgeting implications when bringing foreign talent into New Zealand. It is important to understand the process involved in obtaining approval for a work visa, as well as covering any applicable costs, to ensure a successful recruitment result. 

Employers must include all associated costs such as application fees, immigration levies, and the cost of travel related to visa applications in their budget, ensuring they are compliant with New Zealand immigration legislation. Knowing these expenses beforehand allows New Zealand employers to make all necessary preparations up front, so there are no delays or complications throughout the visa process.

Cultural Awareness and Diversity Best Practices – Tips for creating a welcoming workplace environment

New Zealand is a nation known for its diverse population and inclusive culture. In order to create a welcoming workplace environment, New Zealand employers should be aware of cultural differences and strive to foster an environment that is respectful of individual beliefs, backgrounds, and values. This can be done through implementing diversity best practices such as embracing diversity in the hiring process, investing in workshops to foster understanding among team members, and ensuring that all employees receive equal chances for promotion. 

A workplace that is culturally aware recognizes the importance of each person’s unique identity and celebrates their contributions to the collective success of the company.

Immigration Law Compliance - How to ensure that companies follow all necessary regulations - Role of professional consultants

New Zealand businesses are increasingly turning to professional consultants for help in understanding and complying with immigration laws. The challenging nature of New Zealand's immigration system means that ensuring compliance is a time-intensive activity requiring expertise and knowledge. 

Professional consultants have the expertise to serve as a comprehensive resource for companies, helping them understand their legal obligations and develop strategies to minimise non-compliance risks. Not only do they provide advice on New Zealand's visa requirements, but they also can help businesses stay up to date with changing regulations, allowing them to more easily circumnavigate potential compliance challenges. 

As New Zealand's immigration landscape continues to evolve in the years ahead, professional advisors will be a vital tool for businesses looking to maintain regulatory compliance.

Overall, the key to successful skilled migration in New Zealand is understanding the demographic trends and leveraging innovative solutions for finding top talent. In addition, employers must be sure to comply with immigration laws and work within a budget while also showing cultural awareness and sensitivity in order to create a welcoming environment. 

By following these sound practices, employers can maximise the positive economic impact of bringing in highly qualified workers from abroad. Now that you understand the demographic overview of why we need skilled migrants, economic impact associated with them, tools available to employ them, costs necessary to recruit and retain them, cultural sensitivity when hiring immigrants as well as legal compliance needed when recruiting immigrants – what will you do next? 

We invite you to book a paid consultation with us today so that together we can make your vision of building an ideal workplace utilising the best migrant talents become reality!